Friday, 16 October 2009

Bardell versus Pickwick - Dickens

I love tiny books. I love old books. I bloody love tiny old books. This doesn't have a publication date so I don't know how old it is but I think well weathered is a fair thing to say. It smells lovely too.

It even has a nice little picture inside:

And look, it fits into my hand, that's for scale you see. Just so that when I said tiny you didn't think properly tiny but rather this is acceptably tiny. It's ridiculous if you need a magnifying glass to read it - it just gets distracting:

I like how it finishes as well, "HERE ENDS NUMBER THIRTY-ONE OF SESAME BOOKLETS", more books should end like that. As if it was a mass. Who wouldn't want that? No-one, that's who.

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